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Parent Partnership

We welcome and invite parent involvement. We appreciate everything that parents do for our school and we seek to create an open environment where they can take part in their children’s education. There is really no limit to the ways that parents can become involved, depending on where they feel called to serve, please reach out to our administration to find out how you can help.

Your child's education is a partnership with WCA and it is a two-way street.  We have expectations to fulfill of our parents, and our parents have expectations to fulfill of us.  We ask of your engagement, your effort, and your enthusiasm in your child's education to build and maintain our partnership together.  

If parents have any concerns or questions, we always invite them to consult our school. We only ask that you apply Matthew 18:15-17 and go directly to the person or persons involved. A classroom concern should be brought to the teacher first, and to the Administrator only if the concern isn’t resolved. 

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